Check out what we’re up to!
Facebook is where we will purpose to publish updates often, so definitely check us out there for updates on the children, pictures of the kids playing, inspiring words of encouragement from our leader and friend, Pastor Samuel – and much more – including updates about our new skills/trades classes, and giving opportunities for operational shortfalls during the worldwide pandemic.
What We Do. (And Why We Do It)
Learn more about We Are Kenya and what we do each day to try to make a difference in a large, impoverished area within Nairobi, Kenya.
Gallery of Smiles.
View some of the latest videos and pictures of our students, teachers and staff – documented from some of our most recent trips.
How You Can Help.
We greatly need your help. Find out how whatever you might think of, whether big or small in your mind, can go a long way to help children.
Giving Abroad. Next Door.
Sometimes, it just takes a little “change” from our pockets to provide life-changing resources for those in need. It’s not about the amount you give, but the change that occurs through your support. Learn More
Financials. Transparent and Straightforward.
We Are Kenya is operated solely by volunteers. We strive to keep operating costs at a minimum to ensure that the donations received are used primarily to support the kids. Read More