We are really having a hard time with the internet out here where Ruth lives. Some days I try to send an email for two hours and to no avail. We are sorry our blogs are not more consistent.
We spent the past few days hanging out with the students and staff at Provision Education Center. It has been fun to be able to catch up with the staff and get to know our new staff. As the school has grown, we have added two new teachers. One young lady teaches our class 2 the equivalent of our second grade, and the other class 3. They are both very dedicated and clearly have a heart to see these students grow and learn. I am very impressed with the strides our students have made in their academics. In some in some ways, their studies are much farther advanced than those of their peers in the US. They are also very good at completing the required homework each night. They look so cute in their little uniforms as well. We are encouraged that at this point, we only have five students who need the funds for a uniform. Next week, Aimee and I are going to attempt to repair sweaters and replace buttons. As all laundry here is hand washed, or should I say hand scrubbed, our clothes tend to take a beating!
A few months ago, WAK was able to help Provision to purchase a one-level “apartment” type building with seven “flats.” Here, a flat is basically one room where people do all their cooking, eating, sleeping, etc. It is well built as far as I can tell, and has the potential of adding two more stories in the future. Matt and I went to check it out on Thursday. Right now, there is only one room that does not have a tenant, so we are hoping to raise funds immediately to move in some of our neediest children.
Provision’s students are split in about thirds when it comes to living conditions and family life. While we are working hard to update files and information, it appears that we have about a third who are basically street children. Some stay with church members on a rotating basis, some…we are not sure. It is our hope that in the next few weeks, we will be able to move in about ten of those children. Kenya is rainy and cold June through August, so we are trying to furnish the room so that at least our “street kids” will have a dry, warm place to sleep at night.
Here is what we need:
Bunk Beds-we can sleep two per bed, meaning that a bunk bed can hold four. We hope to buy three beds each running about $100.00. We could buy wooden beds for less, but they do not last. We feel that it is better to purchase good beds that will last than to have to raise funds for new beds again next year.
Mattresses- We need six running at about $50.00 each.
Sheets- Ok, so if we purchase them here they run at $10.00 per set. We need 6, however, if you have a set or two you don’t need, call Jeromy-443-838-6586.
Gate-This is tricky as we will have to knock out a very thick brick wall, add the gate, cut the iron sheets of the church to make a path, then add concrete to seal it off. In all, this will run about $85.00.
Looks like I have been successful in posting a few pictures! Yeah! Hopefully, there will be more to follow soon!!
Mama Sundi